Valley of Winston-Salem: The Rite Review Newsletter (Monthly online publication)
- 2024:
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec - 2023:
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
North Carolina Scottish Rite Orient-wide Newsletter (Bi-monthly online publication)
Orient-Wide Facebook Channel
Orient-Wide YouTube Channel
Group photo of all past and present Blue Lodge Secretaries and Personal Representatives.
Includes Grand Master Ill. Don Kehler, SGIG Ill. A. Gene Cobb Jr.(Past Grand Master), Senior Grand Steward Ill. Joseph Transou, and Grand Secretary Jonathan Underwood. Ill. Brother Joseph Transou, Senior Grand Steward, also helped present these special awards. Ill. Brother Transou has also served our Craft very well in the office of Secretary, serving as Secretary for four years at Hiram 40, seven years at West Bend Lodge 434, and three years at Piedmont-Pioneer Lodge 685.
Winston-Salem Scottish Rite Valley Secretary Ill. Michael J. Fischer being presented with the Secretary of Distinction Award from the Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction. Award presented by SGIG Ill. A Gene Cobb Jr. (Past Grand Master) and Grand Master Ill. Don Kehler.
Grand Master of Masons in NC for 2024 Ill. Don Kehler.
Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of NC for 2024 Jonathan Underwood
Grand Secretary Underwood recognizing the previous Secretary of Distinction Award recipients.
General dinner photo. Left to right: Ill. Gary Handy, Ill. Russell Bridges, Ill.A. Gene Cobb Jr. (Past Grand Master), and Rex Card (Sorry, I do not know the fifth brother)
Denton Masonic Lodge Brothers with Ill. Brother M. Kirby Matthews (Brother directly behind the American flag with the glasses, white cap, and goatee) who was the recipient of the Secretary of Distinction award this evening along with Grand Master Ill. Kehler.
Ill. Frank and Henrietta Collins
Ill Frank and Henrietta Collins with Senior Grand Steward Ill. Joseph Transou.
Photos from our Orient Reunion that took place on July 15th.
photos from the "Bring a Brother" event
On Saturday, February 18, 2023, the Winston-Salem Scottish Rite hosted a Valentine's dinner & dance. The food, fellowship, and entertainment were excellent and enjoyed by all in attendance! Don't forget to thank Brother Ken-ny Allen and our amazing cooking crew (Jonathan Black, Cliff Pranke, Joey Transou, and Phil Wynne) for putting on such a great event.